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Predict and Prevent Switch and other Asset Failures

SWIX remotely monitors track substructure and critical components to extend asset life, eliminate service affecting failures, reduce downtime and optimise maintenance activities.

“Switches & Crossings are one of our most critical, complex and troublesome infrastructure assets” – Network Rail*

Switches & Crossings (S&Cs) are used to guide trains from one track to another. They are one of the most troublesome asset classes, accounting for 20-30% of infrastructure related delays. During CP5, S&C failures on Network Rail infrastructure caused 24M delay minutes and amassed £364M in delay minute costs. Globally, £11B spent is spent annually on S&C maintenance and replacement.

SWIX to Predict & Prevent Switch Failures

SWIX is an end-to-end remote condition monitoring solution for predicting and preventing switch and other asset failure. The solution features sensor nodes placed at critical areas of the switch to dynamically characterise the switch component health and substructure condition as rolling stock passes the site.

Information captured by the device is periodically transferred to our Smart Cloud where it is analysed and processed to generate key metrics. All of which may be viewed by Infrastructure Managers. The solution ultimately enables asset owners to predict failures and conduct preventative maintenance, offering a step-change in the cost efficiency and reliability of assets such as S&Cs.


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